Insights From The Engine Room


Lessons Learned from Rock and Roll

Even better than the real thing

I was just catching up on a few of the reviews and comments from the audience regarding last night’s U2 ‘360 Degree’ show. ( Very close to the temperature, too!)Pretty mixed really, and an amazing amount of people who were seeing them for the first time. For them it was quite an experience and for one person it was their first concert! Where the hell do you go after that. Love them or hate them, whichever way you look at it it has to be the biggest show on earth by a mile.

As it’s all anyone is talking about here in the Tampa Bay area I thought I’d make a start on a series of U2 blogs. I just got a note from my old pal Neil who’s about to step on a plane so no doubt we will end discussing this even more over the coming weeks. ( In fact Neil goes back even further than I do with U2…… and that’s nearly 30 years. He was responsible for persuading myself and my then lodger, Mark Radcliffe to drag ourselves out on a  filthy wet saturday night to see them supporting Wah Heat at what was then the Art College in Manchester( was it 1981?) It was soon to become the ‘Poly’ and  where they played several times when I was working with them and where I still hold the record guest list……..106 people when I took most of Granada TV along to see them.

Merely mention U2 to me and so many memories come flooding back. I dread to think of how many shows I did with them in the early 80’s and watched them blossom and flourish until they finally exploded. You can’t ever imagine the belief that band had in themselves from the very beginning. Even now they helped inspire me as much as anyone to write my book.

Last night was special. My friend Darrin who did pretty much everything other than write the damn book, Insights from the Engine Room really wanted to go, I was hot and had been all week so the thought of standing in a field for hours sounded like a lot of work. A 72,000 record breaking audience is pretty smelly in this humidity but I thought I should do the decent thing and see if I could get us some tickets. I sent a note to Paul McGuinness their manager and tickets, backstage passes and hospitality was provided the same as it has every year since they managed to make a living without me. I stood on the mixing desk and watched in amazement. I amazed myself, I should be used to it all by now. Somehow I doubt I ever will be.

I’m still tired as it was one hell of an exhausting but fulfilling night so I’ll get to bed and come back and write some more later. And don’t you dare wake me.

Filed under: About Tony Michaelides, Book Tony Michaelides, , , , , ,

Now let’s get this part started

Another mad busy week getting everything ready for the book to go to the printers. Everyone seems to have done their bit, well almost til I interfere and make some changes. Call me a pain in the ass but whenever I see something that can be better I want to make it better so it’s better, and now it is better! Seems like I’ve lived with this for an eternity but a few changes along the way have meant a couple of delays but I’m sure it’s all worth it. So by the time I write my next blog I’ll be announcing that it’s on it’s way and then to the fabulous world of social networking to launch myself upon an unsuspecting public. Expect that is those that know me then it’ll be an expected expectation, the suspect, me and it (the book.)

Much as I want to promote this I want to start writing my next one, it’s a killer and the sooner I get started then the sooner I’ll be able to bleat on about it and get repetitive. All I’m saying is that it will involve a whole host of colleagues from over the years.

I will have my You Tube channel up and running by weekend, it’s registered and it’s going to be called TM TV. It’ll be full and feisty and fun at the same time. Got lots of ideas on content.

The plan was to release the book early in the New Year and set it up properly, but I don’t do properly very well so we’ve arrived at a compromise. There’s going to be a limited edition number of copies until the full launch, all signed. I sign them and send you a pencil and you write the number of copy on it. And when you go on holiday you take your book with you and you ask the person next to you on the plane what number theirs is then same again when you get to the hotel. Guests, receptionist, concierge, the lot of them. How else will you know the full value of what you own? If you find someone with the same numbered book send them both in and you get a refund, payable with 10/16  weeks.

Call it marketing. Well call it what you want, like I care?

Filed under: Book Tony Michaelides, manchester radio on line, tin can, TM TV, , , ,

An overwhelming urge

I can’t believe we’re half way through September! And before I know it I’ll be coming up with another dumb ass comment ‘What happened to 2009?’ I shouldn’t complain though, at least I’ve got things to do and probably enough things to do that’ll pre empt the ‘what happened to 2010 extra dumb ass comment.

I had a great time earlier in the week when I went over to see my friend Paul’s band ‘Jealous’ playing in Orlando and met some really nice people. I had to laugh though, I was invited on to a panel where they were discussing everything from the current scene to how an Orlando band perceived going to the UK and vice versa. All was fine until the moderator Chris asked me a question and the tape ran out. I apologized but told him ‘You asked me what was Insights from the Engine Room all about then…Bad question!

To be frank though (Frank who?) I’m really not apologizing at all, on the contrary I’m really pleased I’m in total promo mode. I’m on the verge of a new career and I’m letting nothing slip. If people are interested to hear what I’ve done over the past thirty odd years then I’m happy to talk to them. When all is said and done, once a promo guy, always a promo guy.

I spent a huge part of my working career setting up radio, TV(and in the early days press) for up and coming acts which included multi million selling acts like U2, Matchbox Twenty etc and I know as well as anyone the importance of having the media buy in to what you’re doing. Back in the day it was very different but when it all comes down to it nothing really changes, it’s still about getting in front of the right people. Back then it may have been a TV show or on the radio, now it could be a blogger, podcast or somewhere else on the internet. It may be somewhere else altogether but one thing I know for sure, as one thing becomes popular something else comes along to replace it. You contantly need to be on the look out. What’s right for your career might be wrong for someone else’s. Let one person know and they’ll tell someone else, one becomes ten, ten comes a hundred. But you need to start somewhere.

Writing the book, telling stories and offering up advice from my side of the fence has given me an overwhelming urge( Now if there was ever a need to change my name by deed pole it should be Tony Overwhelming, it’s got that ring to it!) I digress, an overwhelming urge to help bands on the way up and to put some ideas in their head, send them away with something to think about. You can have the most talented , creative people in the world who just haven’t afforded themselves the time to think,’ right, what next?’

As the website takes on a life of it’s own and I hunt down the people who know the answers to a bunch of the questions let’s see if we can make a difference to someone and help to give them the motivation. Not just the motivation, there are plenty who have that but are sadly lack in other areas. Let’s see if we can help them to make others believe in them in the way they believe in themselves.

Filed under: Book Tony Michaelides, , ,

Insights, foresights and wherever it may go sights.

I’ve been spending the last few weeks gathering equipment, software and generally learning the workings of everything. It’s funny where a blog can take you, and not very funny where filling your head with too much technology can take you. The Insights from the Engine Room started life as a blog until it took on a life of it’s own. Spending all but a year of my working life in the music industry certainly gave me something to talk about ! But it isn’t until now I realized the speed of my own mouth. ‘Whoa boy, slow down’ I thought. What’s the rush,let if flow. I make no excuses other than the boyish enthusiasm that’s got me through life so far and long may it continue. The excitement that the recollections of youth bring make me to want to share those experiences and tell the stories. The thought of thoughts is enthralling!

Now where was I? Foolishly I had VHI on in the background and the Shakira video just came on. I needed to get some water. I feel invigorated but I must convince myself it’s from the desire to tell the stories and not the Shakira video. Thank God I don’t have a dvd recorder, be gone Devil Woman. But not too far, eh?

So back and focused I’m putting some semblance to my disorder. As regular blog visitors may have noticed there is a certain randomness to all of this that I want(have) to continue. I have this overwhelming desire to share those life and times but I also want it to both entertain and educate so for that reason I welcome the ‘new order’ ( No, not them). I’m putting my life in order….no get up, I don’t need help! I decided that writing a book, The Insights from the Engine Room was a natural progression but as soon as I’d finished it I had others I wanted to write so IFTER becomes the first in a series of Insight Collections. Then came the realization from others ( thank you Darrin, Brain and Paul) of how this could develop and in what different forms, a bit like me really!

IFTER (picture paints a thousand words, then why can’t I?) Well I can. Content is already up on a new site where I have my own page and you can hear both audio and video and more scribblings. They are serializing the book and each week there are audio excerpts, I’m there blabbering.  In addition to that the coming weeks will see the introduction of the Engine Room’s own You Tube channel and Lord only knows what will be uncovered there. And in amongst it all the unearthing of the Insights Collection website. I’m selling up, it’s where I’m going to live. I’ll be issuing laminates shortly.

There’s more, http://www.manchesteronline will allow me to revisit radio and more on that very shortly. In short, there will be no getting away from me now, unless you’re on another planet but I know all about that anyway!

I’m off for a walk on the beach now with Shakira and gather some more thoughts. Time for 5 mile an hour and not 100 mile a minute. I am so excited at the prospects, I think Shakira will be too.

I do, I really t doesn’t need to be feels like a rush to get i all out

Filed under: About The Engine Room, Book Tony Michaelides, , ,

The return of………….me

Whoa, where does the time go? Moving home, relocating and having your world stuffed in a cupboard is hardly conducive for writing and least of all writing anything vaguely interesting. So I resisted the temptation to grumble about it all on here. Instead I selectively chose my friends and now I need to contact them to see if they are still my friends.I’m sure they will be, they’re hardened pro’s and have done their fair share of vexing through time and circumstance, and I listened.

But now, I really am here. No excuses, just plenty to say. So many things have gone on these last few weeks that I’ll be hard pushed to cram a full update in this one note. Suffice to say nothing will keep me away from, at the very least a couple of blogs a week to bring us both up to speed. It’s wonderful how a change from everything energizes you, new people, new places and new beginnings. I’m sat comfortably where I want to be……. writing, reading and preparing to do more of both. My book ‘Insights from the Engine Room, Lessons learned from rock and roll’ should be out by the first week in September and the timing certainly feels right. Any attempts to rush it out sooner would have been a result of my obvious impatience. Damn, I’ve written it , why can’t people read it. And with new ways to blabber and smoke (Captain Beefheart, The Spotlight kid) it’s a good time to start hollering. It’s back to plugging, the thing I know the best but it’s embracing new methods and new ways of doing things. And more than anything it’s a fantastic way to for me to learn how people find out about things. Embrace the change! 

Since I was last on here the book has taken on a new lease and now it will be published by Janson Media instead of us going the self publishing route. Now everyone is helping with all the things that take up a lot more time than my just writing it. Slowly we’re getting there and everything now is becoming very real.

I have been given a great opportunity with an exciting new Social networking site called Tin Can. ( It’s a holding page for the first few weeks as August is the ‘soft launch’ with everything starting to kick in for September. They have a great line up of programs with some really fascinating content and to make it even better it comes from my old home town, Manchester! I love working with good, talented, like minded people and this feels so right. here’s to help making it happen. Keep your ears to the ground and I’ll keep you updated on how you can post stuff and promote whatever you have going on, providing it’s not illegal or crap!

So now I have done the decent thing and resurfaced I need to click ‘upload’ and go write more and record more because guess what, I now have my own radio show once again. Manchester radio on line have asked if I’d like to give it a go. I’d be mad to refuse and anyway it’s been thirteen years since my last show on Piccadilly/Key 103 and I have to admit once more it feels the time is right. Mainly for two reasons, firstly the people are so enthusiastic and committed who am I to say no? And secondly it’s on the internet and not governed by all the restrictions that have taken the excitement out of terrestrial radio. If it’s good and it’s worth hearing then it’s on the internet. Made by fans for fans. Shouldn’t take me too long to get my head round the workings so I’ll sign off for now and update you with more just as soon as I get the lowdown. 

Raise a glass we’re getting ready to rock!

Filed under: Book Tony Michaelides, Radio Ga Ga, , ,

Hometown Homemade

Stealthily creeping back in to the world of blog there a whole bunch of things I need to say, write about. There has been lots going on with lots more to come. I met a bunch of nice people over the last week and I’m sure that’ll act as all the inspiration I need. That and driving across bridges over The Gulf of Mexico certainly help. Why would anyone move in summer with this humidity? But then you’d have to be me to understand that. Fortunately you’re not.

I’ve just participated in a local Tampa Bay event, Homemade Music Symposium ( Hampton and David organized the whole thing via this for non profit organization and I’d personally like to thank them for all their efforts in staging a very cool, pleasant and informative event. Any community needs people like them to give all those grumbling out there somewhere where they come and complain about the local music scene or whatever grumblers grumble about on any given day. And who could forget Laura at BAAMO ( for all the hard work she puts in and all for the love of it. And a personal thanks for all her help, guidance and opinions on my book, presentations and life in general. Go girl!

The event was well supported by the local area music scene who turned up to play all around Ybor city…..and on porches in the less than pleasant Florida summers. You deserve an award, I was frying just watching!

Panels littered the weekend offering us valuable information on press, marketing and new media. Especially interesting for me as it’s something I’m rapidly trying to get my aging head around. I’m lucky to have the panel moderator Darrin guiding me in this area. I now have a twitter account he has set up for me. My excuse for not using it…..he neglected to give me the password. Twatter!

I’ll be back later with a little more , and then a little more. Followed shortly after by a lot more but for now it’s final editing stage for the book as we are putting together a digital version too. I feel like Iron Maiden with a bunch of remixes.

I’ll also let you know about twitter, just as soon as I do!

Filed under: About The Engine Room, About Tony Michaelides, Book Tony Michaelides, ,

Don’t be an asshole

I’ve been buried in my writings but I haven’t forgot my blog. Just thought I wouldn’t add daily …but then again I might change my mind. Part of what I’m writing is on interpersonal skills which we should all have but some have better than others. I’ll probably include some in this book which is ‘Insights from the engine room’ and about some of the lessons you can learn from rock and roll. There are more planned and I quite fancy the idea of a stand along book on interpersonal skills which I would probably enjoy writing. Let’s face it the older you get the more characters crop up along the way…so let’s not forget them, although some are best forgotten!

Here’s a little something/someone we have all encountered. No apologies if you’re in the chosen category…

The Asshole

Identifying the asshole

The music business is full of assholes. Right, like accountancy, education, coal mining and water polo aren’t and not to mention fencing, waste management and a thousand other work places. Problem is spotting them. Assholes can attract assholes too…bottom line (every pun intended!)

No one likes working with an asshole. It’s much harder to be personable and affable than to be a jerk. Sadly however, the asshole has a problem identifying this…..that’s why they’re an asshole. To them they are misunderstood, it’s others are being awkward, uncooperative and generally just not prepared to help. It isn’t because they necessarily disagree with them……. they don’t want to be in the same room as them. The appearance of the asshole at a gathering or function is not welcome, they are not liked and people don’t want to do business with them. Make you’re excuses and leave, it’ll end in tears anyway.

Lonely is the asshole

Now the asshole is left wanting, they are insecure. The asshole has no purpose, no one loves them. If they can’t realize people don’t like them then it’s not your job to fix it. If you employed them it is …now who’s the asshole.

He who shouts the loudest is often heard the least.

Those who are belligerent and obnoxious are to be avoided…….they feel that shouting gets them heard. Getting heard and being noticed are two entirely different things. People who scream and shout are probably the type who get the runaround at home. They come to work pissed off and need to vent their fury and it’s usually some quite unassuming character that gets the brunt of it.

Filed under: Book Tony Michaelides, mistakes, PR, , ,