Insights From The Engine Room


Lessons Learned from Rock and Roll

It’s only a game

Patriotism, what is it that drew me to a television set yesterday? I honestly got what I expected and then thought, why did I make the effort, no one else did? The display of the English soccer time was abysmal, my comments echo the thoughts of  a nation, a nation that will be obsessed with talking about it in every pub and on every street corner. A nation stooped in shame yet helpless to do anything about it. My homeland, I genuinely feel sorry for you.

This was our opportunity to showcase the wonderful game of soccer, on a global platform ( we say soccer because football here in the US is a different sport) Or has it ceased to be the wonderful game altogether ? So much expectancy and being English I know what it means to the nation, their lives depend on it. There will be those that spend their last penny on a trip to South Africa and their overdraft on war paint for their faces before spending money on food. The beautiful game has sunk into the abyss, a bunch of ungrateful, ego driven, soulless individuals who lack pride, determination and any appreciation for their work.

We’re back to that age old word, passion. And never has a truer word been spoken in jest. These guys are that, a bunch of courtroom jesters. Unfortunately they’re acting it out on a world stage and the sad thing they seem oblivious to the tirade of criticism coming their way. Will it change for the Slovenia game , I doubt it. More likely they’ll go down 1-0 and then wait to see the welcome they’ll get back home when they step off a plane. I doubt we’ll see anything quite like it but the sad thing is they will go back to their very unreal lives. Nothing changes, it’s business as usual. They’ll be banking their huge wage packet, need to prove nothing and won’t feel any remorse. They just don’t care, they don’t care enough or have enough pride to wear the shirt. If the USA versus England had been performance based  and any other job you’d have got a written warning and after Algeria you’d have lost your job. You’d be sacked because you’d been warned, or it is two warnings? Who cares they could get a dozen warnings and nothing would change.

Shame on you , just wondering if any of you feel like you let your country down? Enjoy the vintage champagne that someone will have ready in your VIP area next time you’re out. And don’t forget the women still love you and here’s a toast to the ones who’ll use you as a meal ticket. Now you know the feeling.

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