Insights From The Engine Room


Lessons Learned from Rock and Roll

Now let’s get this part started

Another mad busy week getting everything ready for the book to go to the printers. Everyone seems to have done their bit, well almost til I interfere and make some changes. Call me a pain in the ass but whenever I see something that can be better I want to make it better so it’s better, and now it is better! Seems like I’ve lived with this for an eternity but a few changes along the way have meant a couple of delays but I’m sure it’s all worth it. So by the time I write my next blog I’ll be announcing that it’s on it’s way and then to the fabulous world of social networking to launch myself upon an unsuspecting public. Expect that is those that know me then it’ll be an expected expectation, the suspect, me and it (the book.)

Much as I want to promote this I want to start writing my next one, it’s a killer and the sooner I get started then the sooner I’ll be able to bleat on about it and get repetitive. All I’m saying is that it will involve a whole host of colleagues from over the years.

I will have my You Tube channel up and running by weekend, it’s registered and it’s going to be called TM TV. It’ll be full and feisty and fun at the same time. Got lots of ideas on content.

The plan was to release the book early in the New Year and set it up properly, but I don’t do properly very well so we’ve arrived at a compromise. There’s going to be a limited edition number of copies until the full launch, all signed. I sign them and send you a pencil and you write the number of copy on it. And when you go on holiday you take your book with you and you ask the person next to you on the plane what number theirs is then same again when you get to the hotel. Guests, receptionist, concierge, the lot of them. How else will you know the full value of what you own? If you find someone with the same numbered book send them both in and you get a refund, payable with 10/16  weeks.

Call it marketing. Well call it what you want, like I care?

Filed under: Book Tony Michaelides, manchester radio on line, tin can, TM TV, , , ,