Insights From The Engine Room


Lessons Learned from Rock and Roll

The Wham Bammy’s

They’re over before they begin……at least if you do what I’ve been doing for the last few years, recording the Grammys. And the nominations aaaaaaaargh. A million blogs, endless questions and most of them pondering the same one, do they mean anything anymore? They could have saved some money for next year’s by recording  U2, Coldplay etc and not even bother having them turn up. Coldplay have become the house band. NASCAR whoops,  sorry NARAS ( Not Actually Relevant Artists Serenading) just adore them. They are safe as houses (personally I don’t have anything against them), yet they do seem to be the foundation for the House of Grammy though. You don’t need to see the nominations in advance nowadays, there is no element of suprise They are the standard bearers and let’s throw in some quirky Brits for good measure and to look cool. The Grammys nowadays looks thrown together, it looks like come the end of the year someone thinks…’ Mmm February’s not far off, pass me a pad, I’ll make some notes.’ It has ceased to be an event anymore, it’s appeal lies in it’s history.

The question everyone has is what relevance do they have today? The mere mention of the word ‘Grammy’ used to make you tingle …the big night, night of a thousand stars but now??? What I did learn was that NARAS has had the same production team for 30 years…and the same director ! Does he have no shame. Why on earth would he want to attach his name to show …well silly question, probably for the pay check and none of the grief, leave that to the organizers. It’s formula with a capital F.

These are the ones who seem to think that Stevie Wonder and The Jonas Brothers are a good fit. What the hell does Myley Circus add to Taylor Swift’s song? After all she wrote it and performs it perfectly well  by herself….. or is it saying let’s be all things to all people. That can be the only explanation for Stevie Wonder and The Jonas Brothers. Next year maybe we’ll have  Lindsay Lohan playing pedal steel guitar with B. B. King., possibly Jay Z and Don Williams. Britney and Obama?The only thing it does is remind me is who she  has for a dad…..Billy Ray who?

The sound was appalling. The jury is out on the U2 song. Was it the sound or the song? Personally I was very grateful for the backdrop displaying the lyrics as I didn’t have had a clue what Bono was prancing and singing about. On first hearing it didn’t do it for me, we’ll see…. maybe it’ll grow. I like the band and when they go away to make a record I expect the first track they showcase to be a killer. They need to sell a lot of records and now isn’t the time. Good luck guys. No doubt they’ll be glancing over their shoulder and seeing how Bruce performs, how many records he sells even after the Superbowl performance fresh in people’s minds. Time will tell us all, it’ll be tough.

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